Fractured porous media
Mechanical problems
When we refer to fractured porous media, it is often in the context of flow and transport within such media. However, researchers also investigate the mechanical properties of fractured media. For mechanical aspects especially damage and fracture, we refer to Section (Link).
Single-phase flow (seepage): Numerical methods
A hybrid-dimensional model for fluid flow in heterogeneous fractured porous media containing fracture–cavity network, with a detailed description of numerical implementation on flow within interesting fractures, see Wang et al. (2022, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering).
Seepage in 3D fractured porous media containing multiple intersecting cracks, with a detailed procedure of meshing strategy, see Wang et al. (2022, Computers and Geotechnics).
Two-phase flow: Numerical methods
An efficient adaptive implicit scheme with equivalent continuum approach, also referred as Upscaling theory in literature, for two-phase flow in fractured vuggy porous media, see Wang et al. (2022, Advances in Water Resources).
A two-phase flow model considering the effects of heterogeneity and fracture distribution on transport properties of fractured reservoir, see Wang et al. (2023, Transport in Porous Media).
3D fractured media: Numerical methods
An accurate modeling and simulation method for seepage (single-phase) in 3D heterogeneous fractured porous media with complex structures (vugs and fractures), see Wang et al. (2022, Computers and Geotechnics).
A 3D modeling approach for fluid flow and mass transport, a time-dependent process, in fractured porous media with curved fractures and varying apertures, with a detailed implementation of generating multiple 3D curved fractures, see Wang and Yin (2023, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering).