Most people are changed by the world,
but a few change the world.
Maurice Anthony Biot (1905-1985)
He was a Belgian-American applied physicist. He made great contributions in thermodynamics, aeronautics, geophysics, earthquake engineering, and electromagnetism. He was accredited as the founder of the theory of poroelasticity.
Everyone knowns Biot. Here is an article M. A. Biot : A man of unique talent.
His scientific achievements can be found here.
Waler Noll (1925-2017)
He was a pinnacle and terminator of classical continuum mechanics and thermodynamics, and a master who unified and formalized the axiomatization and mathematization of continuum mechanics.
A brife biographies and scientific achievements of him can be found here and here.
There is no doubt that The Foundations of Mechanics and Thermodynamics, by Noll W, is a peak in the history of continuum mechancis.
Portrai of MA Biot
Portrai of W Noll
Juan Carlos Simo (1952-1994)
He was a young genius and a master who bridged computational mechanics and continuum mechanics, making groundbreaking contributions, particularly to the computational methods for finite deformation theory.
A brife biographies and scientific achievements of him can be found here and here.
Stanford University established Juan C. Simo Thesis Award.
Portrai of JC Simol
James Robert Rice (1940.12.3 -present)
He has made fundamental contributions to various aspects of solid mechanics. Two of his early contributions are the concept of the J-integral in fracture mechanics and an explanation of how plastic deformations localize in a narrow band.
A brife biographies and scientific achievements of him can be found here and here.
Stewart Silling (19?? -present)
He is regarded as the father of peridynamics, having pioneered the simulation of damage and fracture through his seminal work, "Reformulation of elasticity theory for discontinuities and long-range forces". I believe that he is a physicist and applied his physical knowledage to applied mechanics.
A brife biographies and scientific achievements of him can be found here.